The Equatorial climate is located in the Equator and it lies within 5º north or south.Its average rainfall is of 2000 mm.In the afternoon there are thunderstorm.The Equator is an area of low pressure,heavy rain and high humidity.A very important characteristic is that this climate is hot and wet all the year.The daily pattern is always the same,every day is very similar to the other,each day has 12 houers of daylight and 12 houers of darkness.The sun rises very early and evaporates the morning mist.The air rise at 8 houers because of the rapid evapotranspiration of rivers,swamps and rainforest vegetation.The large cumulus clouds develp when the watervapor is condense back to water droplets.These clouds grown into black in the afternoon produceing cumulonimbus which comes with thunder and lighting.By sunset clouds breck up and the nights become warm and humid.
An example of an Equatorial climate is manaus which is located 3º south of the Equator,the temperature is high all year and it rains when the sun is closer to be overhead.
The Tropical continental climate is found in the centre of continents and not near the sea.It lies between 5º and 15º north and south of the Equator.An example of tropical continental climate is Kano where the temperature average is of 31c,the annual range of temperature is of 8º and the annual precipitation is of 920 mm.In Kano when the sun is overhead in the Northern Hemisphere it cause the hot,wet season and when it is in a more vertical position the temperature rises.However during july and august temperature fall and rainfall increase in Kano.When the sun is overhead in the Southern Hemisphere the dry season begans at Kano and it cames whith the Equatorial low pressure and the global winde belts.
The word monsoon refers to season.In South-East Asia there are two seasons.One is the South-West Monsoon and the other is the North-East Monsoon.In the South-west monsoon,during June the sun is overhead at the Tropical of Cancer making the North of the Himalayas very hot,this hot air rises leaving places with low pressure,this air is forced to rise the mountains giving a large amount of rainfall.An example is Mumbai where it rains an amount of 2000 mm in five months.Cherrapunji is known as the wettest place on Earth.On one hand there is the Ganger Basin were the flooding is extenbsive and on the other hand is the North of the Himalayas where it remains dry.The other season is the North-East Monsoon,where the sun that is overhead moves Southwards making the North of the Himalayas very cold and develops a high pressure area.The winds blow from above of the area of high pressure because they originate in a dry area and give a few amount of rain, for example Mumbai,which only rains 45 mm in seven months.
Hot deserts are located in the West cost of continents within the Subtropical high pressures,between 5º and 30º North and South of the Equatorl.These areas of hot desert have 250mm of rain a year,high evapotranspiration rates and high annual temperatures.
An example is Ain Salah.There when the sun is overhead the temperatures are high.However when the sun is in the opposite hemisphere the temperatures are lower.The areas near the sea are colder because of the influence of the sea.Far away from the sea the temperatures are very high during the day,but at night the temperature fall.Deserts are dry but have some precipitation,which comes in form of coastal fog. The lack of rain is because of a combination of factors. The first factor is that the Provailling winds blow from the dry land, without picking up moisture. Another factor is that winds have to cross mountains crating rain shadow areas. Another factor is that air rose at the Equator giving clear skies and the last facor is when the wind blows from the sea area colder and could not pick up much moisture.
The cold climate is located in the polewars side of 60ºN in Eurasia. An example of a cold climate is fair banks, where winters are very long and cold because the sun falls to rise above the horizon and strong winds lower the temoperature.
Summers are short and warm because of the long hours of daylight.Also because it is located far away from the sea.
The air is so cold that the presipitation is scarse.And precipitation fall as snow in winter.Rainstorms occurs in summers when temperatures are very high.
An example is Ain Salah.There when the sun is overhead the temperatures are high.However when the sun is in the opposite hemisphere the temperatures are lower.The areas near the sea are colder because of the influence of the sea.Far away from the sea the temperatures are very high during the day,but at night the temperature fall.Deserts are dry but have some precipitation,which comes in form of coastal fog. The lack of rain is because of a combination of factors. The first factor is that the Provailling winds blow from the dry land, without picking up moisture. Another factor is that winds have to cross mountains crating rain shadow areas. Another factor is that air rose at the Equator giving clear skies and the last facor is when the wind blows from the sea area colder and could not pick up much moisture.
The cold climate is located in the polewars side of 60ºN in Eurasia. An example of a cold climate is fair banks, where winters are very long and cold because the sun falls to rise above the horizon and strong winds lower the temoperature.
Summers are short and warm because of the long hours of daylight.Also because it is located far away from the sea.
The air is so cold that the presipitation is scarse.And precipitation fall as snow in winter.Rainstorms occurs in summers when temperatures are very high.