The principal aims of this report are to provide solutions for some of the student's problems with their oral presentations.The final section makes recommendations as to how the following problems could be solved.
Speaking problematics:
Students generaly have problems with their fluency,because many times,They can not say a word after another,getting stuck and unable to advance.Another problem they have is pronunciation,students lack the knowledge of phonetics,that's why,they guess the sound of the words,and finish saying how they think it is pronunced.
Inconveniences in the premises;
One of the main problems students have is the lack of internet connection,many times they delivered their presentations with a prezi or with a presentation that requires Internet connection and when they don't have wi-fi,they can not download it and show it.Another problem is the lack of resources,many times students didn't have a screen or speakers to show their presentation to the rest and finish delivering their speech without anything to show such as a video,because they do not have how to show it.
A very common problem that students have is the selection of information and material because they take the information from sources that are too basic or use too vogue inappropriate vocabulary and not academic language.Apart from that they take the information from sources that are not academic,if not that they take it from places such as ¨yahoo answers¨, because it is very short and easy to understand,because of the basic vocabulary employed.
Clearly,many students have problems with oral presentation.However,there are many solutions,to end with these problems.I will make the following recommendations;
- Students should be self-confident and the school should help and persuade them to be like this.Apart from that students should study phonetics and school should provide a class of phonetics to help students.
- Students could download the presentation at ther house and bring it in a pendrive or maybe make posters.Apart from that the school could improve the premises.
- Students may look for key terms so as to filter information and provide new reliable sources.
To conclude,the school and students could make things to solve this problem.