jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


                                                             An essey on the Door in the Wall
                                                                 By:H.G Wells

In the door in the wall by H.G Wells,a boy called Wallace entered to a door and discovered a beautiful garden.When he told his father that he found that, the father did not believe him.He always tried to get into that door again but he never could.The years passed by and he found again the door but when he found it, he was occupied.One day he saw the door and he entered ,when he entered hr died.The author showed that the boy did not know what was real and what he was imagining.

   In the book, Wallace entered to the door and found a garden,many children playing and a woman with a book.The woman read the book to Wallace,the book had all Wallace's life.When Wallace was in the garden, he felt happy and like in the paradise.The garden represented the childhood he wanted but he never had.When he told his father that he had  entered to the garden,his father took all his fantasy books.Apart from that, the children in the school bothered and bullied him.

  Walllace tried to find the door again.He found it sometimes but he always had to go to work or had something to do,or he was in a hurry.He thought that from that day he went out of the door and did not enter again,he did not have more problems.But he also wanted to find the door,because in there he felt happy and like in paradise.

   At the end of the story,The Door in the Wall,Wallace was walking and he located the door, it was his opportunity to get in and he did it.When he entered through the door he died.
He died because he got through the door and the door was from a construction, the builders put the door to let the people go to their houses.
One possibility could be that as he was walking at night,he confused the colours and he thought that was the door he had entered when he was young.The other possibility is that he wanted to die so he went to the construction.

     In the dooor in the wall, the author showed that the boy did not know what was real and what he was imagining.Reading this story, i realized that the boy had a mental problem, because he imagined things and that he needed help.I think that if the father believed in him and left the boy think whatever he wont, it would  have been better.


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